Limp Ninja sign

Limp Ninja Food Section

Outline (one of those introductions, not the demo party)

Limp Ninja is a demoscene collective known for their poor distinction between 4k sizecoding and serving Korean food to attendants of demoparties. So when Outline 2012 was held, members of Limp Ninja and a handful of volunteers churned out a freshly made Indian curry, much to the overall enjoyment of people present.

And on Outline 2013 we're going to do it again. Yes, that's right: healthy and delicious Indian food at a reasonable fee. At a demoparty. Again.

What we'll be offering

The spread will consist of Tandoori-style Chicken Curry (vegetarian option available) and Red Lentil Daal served with white rice, cornflour pancakes, raita, a few kinds of pickle and some seasonings.

We'll serve this up on friday evening, in multiple batches. It'll be very similar to the way food waves work at other demoparties, except with a faster cycle and your food will not look like this.

We wish to emphasize that pre-ordering is required and that yes, there is a deadline for that too. Don't worry, everything will be made perfectly clear at the event.

Questions that ought to be frequently asked

  • I'm Scandinavian and/or not really good with spicy food. Can I eat this without writhing on the floor in agony, bellowing with pain?

    We'll be adjusting the spice level to a moderate level so the general public can eat it, but that question is very subjective. If you blanch at trace amounts of pepper, you'll consider this hot. Chili freaks will probably scoff at this.

    Don't let that deter you though, we're serving a soothing raita to cool you down. Just stir a spoonful into your curry to neutralize the spice a bit.

  • I'm a vegetarian, is there anything on your menu that I can eat?

    Absolutely! The one thing that contains meat is the chicken curry, but we make up for that with a vegetable curry. Just ask for the vegetarian option while ordering.

    The red lentil daal is compatible with Vegans, but we will give you a disparaging look if you start projecting your weird, unhealthy lifestyle choices at people.

  • Are the reservation and deadline really necessary? Can't I just queue up?

    I'm afraid they're a necessary evil. We're making the food from scratch and it takes quite a bit of time to prepare. Ideally we need to know how many people are going to take part in this when we start, so we can reduce waste and keep the price nice and low.

    So please remember to reserve your curry ticket! If you are arriving late, have somebody at the location reserve one for you.

  • I have food allergies, can I still eat your food?

    Depends, really. Allergies are a fickle subject but we tend to work around the serious ones. Get in touch with us so we can see if your particular allergy is a problem.


If there's something you'd like to know that directly involves our food, please get in touch. Badger us on Facebook or send us an email. Don't mail us about Outline 2013 itself, that's something you need to contact the organizers for.